Monday, November 5, 2012

Back at home

This was a phenomenal weekend for workouts, considering the fact that I went out of town, which could have led to complete laziness.
I arrived at my parents’ house on Friday night and we ate out, went to church, and didn’t arrive at home until 8:30 or 9. Good enough excuse to skip the workout right? Nope. I surprised myself and everyone else by doing Jillian Michael’s “30 Day Shred - Level 1” video in the living room. The dogs were especially disturbed by the whole thing.
Saturday was a great run through the downtown of my hometown. I parked at my old middle school and did a few loops around the newly rejuvenated downtown area. The weather was gorgeous and I ran at a pretty decent pace, without too much trouble. I got in just over 3 miles, and my mom and brother came out and biked downtown while I ran. 

Since Saturday had gone so well, I decided to return to downtown and run again on Sunday. This time I got in 4 miles, and I ran almost the whole thing. 

My Runkeeper progress for Sunday

I was so surprised at the ease I had running this weekend. I don’t know if the area I live in is just much hillier than my hometown or if the temperature or time of day had an effect on my ability. It just felt easy, comparatively. Sunday, I even managed to run all of my splits in less than 10 minutes. Unheard of!

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